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October 2023 Mixlist

October 2023 Mixlist
Our October 2023 Mixlist is your fix if you are not sure what you want to listen to. Prime selections of the best in rock and metal. 

Thundermother starts things off with "Whatever." Great song to warm up and increase your pulse rate. 

Saxon comes in for the kill with "All Guns Blazing" off their Metalhead album. 

Nervosa annihilates with brutal force on "Venomous."

Primal Scream delivers the goods with some Priest like metal with "Under Your Spell."

We take a trip back to 1991 with Alice Cooper on "Die for You" from Hey Stoopid. 

Irish metal singer Robin McAuley, from McAuley Schenker Group, with the title track from his 2021 solo album "Standing on the Edge."

Aerosmith gives us some old school hard rock with "Nobody's Fault." This is one song they rarely play live. Luckily, I saw them perform it once. According to Steven Tyler, the reason they do not play it live much is because it is a bitch for him to sing. 

Arch Enemy with Angela Gossow delivers with "Under Black Flags We March."

Stratovarious takes us on a journey with "Dreamspace."

Dream Theater shows their Rush influence on "Transcending Time."

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MixList - November 2023

Not sure what to listen to? No problem. Put on your headphones and crank up our November 2023 Mixlist!

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